Hi, I’m Angie

My name is Agnieszka but people usually prefer to call me "Angie". The name was given to me when I was about 6 years old when pronunciation of my birth name turned out to be a bit of a tongue twister. I was born in Poland and moved to Germany when I was 12. These days, I reside in Albany, Oregon in the United States. My office is located in Corvallis, Oregon. Sessions are also available remotely / online through Zoom.

My Clairs
I see, hear, smell, sense, know. My abilities developed throughout the years while utilizing spiritual practices. I also worked on psychic medium development with known psychic mediums such as John Holland, Lisa Williams, Janet Nohavec, and Apryl Nicole.

I learned how to connect to consciousness beyond and across time and space. Tapping into the Field, I can connect to different beings including the crystal, animal, plant kingdoms, and intergalactic beings.

General Information
Any information that comes through is based on your current timeline. Your current timeline is what you are focused on now. It can shift depending on your vibration, patterns, habits, thoughts, beliefs and other energies that you are holding on to.

I don't offer future or fortune readings. It is my belief that you create your own reality which can shift based on your current energy, beliefs, patterns, habits, thoughts, etc.

I can tap into your different timelines which include past lives. Other lifetimes hold important information that connects us to the current lifetime we are focused on now.

I can communicate with those who crossed over, your spirit team, ancestors, and higher self. My preference is to teach others how to communicate with their team on their own.

Any of the information that comes through is for your highest good but you still have free-will in how you want to proceed during and after our sessions.


Collaboration is an important part in any of my offerings. This includes my spiritual team of the highest good as well as your spiritual team of the highest good. My team includes my Highest Self, Spirit Guides and Intergalactic Beings from other planes.

You are encouraged to ask questions. The sessions will only go as far as you are willing to open up and let go.

Crystals play a huge part in my personal life since they resurfaced in my life in 2014. I use them for energy healing and for their metaphysical properties. I’m passionate about quantum hypnosis and hypnosis in general, quantum healing, hypnosis, yoga, positive affirmations, mindfulness, meditation, Akashic Records exploration,

EFT, breathwork, sound healing, general energy work and holistic/alternative practices and more. I’m a lifelong student eager to learn more. All that I share with others, I incorporate in my personal life.

I feel passionate supporting all souls. I have personal experience with trauma and domestic violence abuse including narcissistic abuse.

I'm well versed in the effects of trauma due to my personal experience with domestic violence and narcissistic abuse.

My offerings include Reiki (Reiki Master), Hypnosis, Thetahealing, Energy Work, Inner Child Healing and Shadow Work support. I'm an ordained minister through Universal Life

Church and provide spiritual guidance sessions for those in need of support on their spiritual path and through their awakening.

I'm open to following my path wherever it leads me. I respect the spiritual paths of others with the understanding that spirituality isn’t a one size fits all. I learn from the beliefs of others and appreciate learning from people from different cultures and with different perspectives. I feel at home in nature and during meditation. I speak English, German and Polish